Fresh Beef Delivery in Holsworthy & Across North Devon

We currently rear two different breeds of steer. Much of our herd is made up of Limousin Cross livestock, while a significant number are Aberdeen Angus. Both breeds are well-known for the tenderness of their meat, as well as their unmatched flavour. The fat marbling on our meat is such that the flavour runs through the entire cut, while retaining that tenderness for which the breeds are so renowned.

When you choose East Rightadown Farm for your freshly produced meat boxes in Holsworthy, you're choosing to support small-scale, local farming that's good for the animals, good for the land they graze and good for you, too!






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Call 07903 642 792 now or email to see what we have on offer and place an order.

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 Cow Farmers in Holsworthy and Devon

Product Guarantees


 Locally Reared

Every animal we rear is raised right here at East Rightadown Farm, ensuring its quality. We keep a close eye on each animal, watching for sickness, so you can trust that their meat is of the highest quality.


 Grass-Fed Produce

Every animal we raise here is fed on grass from pastures in our holding. Every steer is free to roam, stretch and live freely.



 Ethical Farming

We take an ethical approach to farming, with our small holding keeping our carbon footprint small, our meat tender and our planet happy.


 Never Frozen

All of our emit goes straight from farm, to abattoir, to butcher to you. It is never frozen, to ensure freshness and quality from farm to fork.